Longevity Analyzer

A big concern for anyone nearing retirement is how long their retirement savings will last. The average retiree may need as much as 20 years of income at age 65, and many retirees need 30 years or more. Depending on how much you withdraw each year and what your savings earn in retirement, you may find yourself running short.

This calculator uses a logic known as a "Monte Carlo simulation" to illustrate how long your retirement portfolio might last, on average, given input information. Under a Monte Carlo simulation, probabilities are calculated for different scenarios, based on random samplings of past performance.

To gauge the probability of meeting your retirement needs based on historical performance, fill in the information below and click Submit.

What is your current age?

  1. 14
  2. 35
  3. 56
  4. 78
  5. 99


At what age do you plan to retire?

  1. 55
  2. 60
  3. 65
  4. 70
  5. 75


In today's dollars, how much will you need monthly in pre-tax income?


Your Spouse

$ $

How much monthly income do you expect to earn from Social Security in today's dollars?


Your Spouse

$ $

How much monthly income do you expect to earn in pension benefits in today's dollars?


Your Spouse

$ $

How much do you currently have set aside for retirement?


Your Spouse

$ $

How much are you currently saving monthly towards your retirement (including your employer's match, if any)?


Your Spouse

$ $

Percentage (%)    Dollar ($)

Asset Class Pre-Retirement Post-Retirement

U.S. Stocks
   Large-Cap Stocks
   Small-Cap Stocks
Foreign Stocks
   Developed Markets
   Emerging Markets
   U.S. Government Bonds
   Broad Investment-Grade
Money Market/Cash
Real Estate
Totals: 0 0